Winkfield Row, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG42 6NH

01344 882422

Winkfield St Mary's CE Primary School

Welcome to the Year 2 class page!

In Year 2, we pride ourselves on working hard but also on enjoying ourselves and having fun. Research has shown that cultivating happiness in the classroom is crucial to your child's academic success. 

In our classroom you will find these adults: 

  • Mrs Radford - Class Teacher
  • Mrs Turney - Teaching Assistant 

Our one BIG ask is that you hear your child read as much as you possibly can: we recommend a minimum of 4 times a week. Don't forget to sign their reading record books too! If you have any questions at all, at any time, please don't hesitate to ask.

Class Timetable 

Please be aware that children should come into school on Wednesday and Thursday wearing their PE kit. They will stay in these clothes for the duration of the day.

Day Morning Lessons
Monday  Spelling test/ Reading Comprehension/ Maths
Tuesday Handwriting/English/ Maths
Wednesday  Handwriting/English/ Maths 
Thursday Handwriting/English/ Maths
Friday Handwriting/English/ Maths
Day Afternoon Lessons
Monday Handwriting/Science
Tuesday PSHE/Music
Wednesday PE/History
Thursday PE/Computing
Friday RE/Art

We now go to the library every other week on a Tuesday morning, so can the children please bring in their library books on the Monday so they can be scanned in ready for our session.

Please could you also check at home for any books that are overdue and need to be returned thank you. 


If you would like to practice the Year 1 and 2 Common Exception Words and High Frequency Words at home alongside weekly spellings, please find the lists below.